Notice of Water Restrictions
February 22 - February 25, 2021
The Alberta Central East Water Corporation will be shutting down the regional water transmission main from February 22 - February 25, 2021 as EPCOR is commencing maintenance on a section of their water line. All connected municipalities are required to revert to a Level B water restriction during the scheduled shut down.
Level B Restrictions:
- Hydrant flushing
- Sewer line flushing
- Fleet washing
- Bulk Water Station
- Third-party water sales are restricted to human consumption only
- All fire training involving use of municipal water and municipal hydrants
- Filling pools
- Flooding rinks
- Maintenance of stadium condenser
- Voluntary water reduction by residents, i.e. filling hot tubs, washing cars, flooding rinks
As a member of the Alberta Central East Water Corporation, the Town of Vermilion is obligated to comply with operational requirements to ensure the proper functioning of the regional transmission line. The town has two reservoirs with 4,275,000 litres of treated water storage capacity that will be filled prior to the scheduled shutdown, residents should see no major change to their daily service.
Thank you for support and patience.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Transportation & Utilities Department at 780-581-2415.