Notice of Water Restrictions - June 28, 2021
We have been notified by the Alberta Central East Water Corporation that effective immediately, all connected municipalities are required to revert to a Level B water restriction until further notice. This is due to the increased water demand from the record-breaking heat wave.
Level B Restrictions:
- Hydrant flushing
- Sewer line flushing
- Street cleaning
- Fleet washing
- Bulk Water Station
- Third-party water sales are restricted to human consumption only
- All fire training involving use of municipal water and municipal hydrants
- Spray park operations
- Filling Lakeland pool
- Park sprinkler systems
- Water truck
- Voluntary water reduction by residents, i.e. watering lawns, filling pools, hot tubs or recreation trailers, washing cars/houses/driveways.
As a member of the Alberta Central East Water Corporation, the Town of Vermilion is obligated to comply with the requirements to ensure the proper functioning of the regional transmission line. We have been advised the forecasted water levels will be below 50% in the next five days. ACE Water Corporation anticipates further water restrictions. A notice will be issued if we have to move to a Level C water restriction which will be for consumption, personal hygiene, and household cleanliness only.
Thank you for support and patience.
If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Transportation & Utilities Department at 780-581-2415.