Public Invited to Register for Essex County Official Plan Review Workshops
The public is invited to take part in a workshop to provide input and feedback on how the County of Essex can adopt new official plan policies that will help us grow and prosper in an environmentally and fiscally responsible manner.
We will be discussing policy options that can be adopted as part of a new Essex County Official Plan to protect important agricultural, cultural and natural heritage resources, while promoting active healthy living, making our communities more resilient to a changing climate, and addressing housing, employment and transportation opportunities county-wide.
The virtual public workshop will be held on three dates:
- Monday, Oct. 16; from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.
- Tuesday, Oct 17; from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
- Wednesday, Oct 18; from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Registration is required to attend the workshop. Please email with your name and indicate which one of the three dates you would like to attend. Participants will be provided with the Zoom link for the workshop date for which they registered.
To read background reports that have been prepared to date and to find out how you can stay involved in helping to shape the future of the County of Essex and the community you live in, go to the County of Essex Comprehensive Official Plan Review web page.
Your involvement is important. Where we live, work and play greatly affects our health and well-being. Place matters. It is about making smart policy choices. Help us make those choices.