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The Windsor Essex Environment Committee Presents the "Pat on the Back" Grant Awards

The Windsor Essex County Environment Committee (WECEC) is excited to again contribute $2,000 towards local, community based projects occurring in Windsor and Essex County. Four $500 awards will be given to successful “Pat on the Back” applicant organizations at the Pat on the Back Award Ceremony to be held at 7:00pm on Thursday, June 1st, 2017 at the Ojibway Nature Centre.

Examples of eligible projects include, but are not limited to:

  • School greening
  • Re-use, recycling or composting
  • Clean up events
  • Environmental education or advocacy
  • Conservation efforts
  • Environmental art
  • Native plant or vegetable gardens - Community gardens

 All submissions will pass through two stages before an award winner is selected.

1) A written application form is to be completed and submitted by 4pm on Friday May 19th to All written submissions will be scored by a judging panel and the first round finalists will move on to the second round of screening. Applicants will be notified by Friday May 26th if they are among the finalists.

2) The finalists will present their projects in a 5 minute presentation to the judging panel during the Pat on the Back Award Ceremony at 7:00pm on June 1st at the Ojibway Nature Centre. Following all presentations the judging panel will select the successful four candidates who will be awarded $500 each.

Please complete the attached submission form to enter the competition. (Attachments can be found by clicking the “Read this news update on our website” link).

“Pat on the Back” grant funding applications must be received by the Windsor Essex County Environment Committee no later than 4pm on Friday May 19th. Please email your completed application to Averil Parent:
