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Walker Road and South Talbot Intersection Reconstruction - Notice of Project

The County of Essex, in cooperation with the Town of Tecumseh, has initiated detailed design for the Walker Road (County Road 11) and South Talbot Intersection.

The project is being completed under Schedule A+ of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (October 2000, as amended in 2007, 2011 and 2015) process. The project is being undertaken to improve the intersection with a modern roundabout to improve safety and operational efficiency. Local access to properties along Walker Road and South Talbot will be maintained during and after construction.

It is anticipated the design phase will last the remainder of 2018, with construction to begin in 2019.

If you have any comments or questions, please contact either of the following project managers:

Jane Mustac, P.Eng.

Manager, Transportation & Design

The County of Essex

519-776-6441 x 1397


Mike Murray, P.Eng.

Consultant Project Manager

CIMA Canada Inc.

289-288-0287 x 6836