The purpose of the study is to address the transportation needs of the community while safeguarding the natural environment. The aim is to develop operational strategies to improve safety, mobility and sustainability along this corridor.
County Road 46
Environmental Assessment Study Underway
The County of Essex, in conjunction with the Town of Tecumseh, is embarking on an important Environmental Assessment study of County Road 46 and adjoining segments of the Concession 8 and Concession 9 roads in Tecumseh. This collaborative effort underscores the commitment of the county and town to addressing transportation requirements while protecting the natural environment. County Road 46 serves as a vital east-west corridor, paralleling Highway 401 from Windsor to Tilbury. The aim of the study is to develop operational strategies that improve safety, mobility and sustainability along this vital corridor.
Key Objectives
The primary objective of the Environmental Assessment study is to develop a comprehensive operational enhancement strategy for County Road 46. This strategy will be based on:
- A comprehensive review of background documents, including the Transportation Master Plan, County Wide Active Transportation System (CWATS), Official Plan and relevant studies.
- A traffic study that assesses current and projected traffic demands along County Road 46, Concession 8 and Concession 9 to identify areas for improvement, such as intersection enhancements and capacity expansions.
- A safety assessment that addresses traffic operations and safety concerns, including intersection geometry, access management and road safety measures to enhance the overall safety of the corridor for all road users.
- Environmental considerations revealed by assessments of the natural and socio-economic environment. The goal is to minimize the effects on the environment through such measures as storm water management, mitigating noise impacts and considering heritage factors.
Open Public Process
Stakeholder involvement and an open, transparent public process are fundamental to the success of this project. Key elements of the public process include:
- A consultation plan to engage stakeholders, including Indigenous Peoples, local municipalities, conservation authorities, property owners and residents, throughout the study.
- Public consultation centres and events, like community cafés, to present project updates, seek alternative solutions and gather feedback from the community.
- Online engagement of the public through surveys, social media posts and dedicated project websites to provide information, solicit input and keep stakeholders informed as the study progresses.
- Stakeholder meetings with technical advisory groups, community stakeholder groups and Indigenous Peoples to ensure diverse perspectives are considered in the decision-making process.
Frequently Asked Questions
How will stakeholders be involved in the decision-making process?
Stakeholder involvement is fundamental to the success of this project. There is a comprehensive consultation plan to engage stakeholders, including Indigenous Peoples, local municipalities, conservation authorities, property owners and residents. Outreach efforts will include hosting public consultation events, utilizing online engagement tools and holding meetings with technical advisory groups and community stakeholders to gather input and ensure diverse perspectives are considered.
What factors will be considered when evaluating alternative solutions for the road improvements?
Traffic demands, safety concerns, environmental impacts, land use and cost-effectiveness will all be considered when evaluating alternative solutions. The goal is to identify solutions that address the identified issues while minimizing adverse effects on the environment and community.
How will the study address environmental concerns and preserve natural surroundings?
The study will encompass assessments of such things as storm water management, noise impacts and heritage considerations. The goal is to minimize adverse effects on the environment by incorporating mitigation measures and considering environmentally sustainable solutions throughout the planning and design process.
The timeline for completing the study will depend on factors that include the complexity of the issues and the level of stakeholder engagement. Once the study is completed and approved, implementation of improvements will follow. Timelines for implementation will be determined by the recommendations of the study and available funding. Stakeholders will be kept informed of progress and updates regarding timelines.
Study Area Map
Related Documents
Sandwich South Master Servicing Plan (City of Windsor)
Oldcastle Stormwater Master Plan (Town of Tecumseh)
Watch Here for Updates
Public Consultation Centre No. 2 was held on Nov. 13, 2024
- View the information presented at Public Consultation Centre No. 2.
- View the notice of Public Consultation Centre No. 2
Public Consultation Centre No. 1 was held on April 4, 2024:
- View the information presented at Public Consultation Centre No. 1.
- View the notice of Public Consultation Centre No. 1
Steve Taylor, P.Eng., M.Eng.
Consultant Project Manager
BT Engineering Inc.
509 Talbot Street
London, ON
N6A 2S5
Phone: 519-672-2222
Jerry Behl, P.Eng., PMP, PTOE, RSP1
Manager, Transportation Planning & Development
County of Essex
360 Fairview Ave. W. Suite 315
Essex, ON
N8M 1Y6
Alessia Mussio, P.Eng.
Engineering Project Manager
Town of Tecumseh
917 Lesperance Road
Tecumseh, ON
N8N 1W9
Phone: 519-735-2184, ext. 140