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SPH Emergency Management Plan


Every long-term care home in Ontario is required to establish an emergency plan in writing as set out in the Fixing the Long-Term Care Act (FLTCA) and Regulation 246/22

The Sun Parlor Home Emergency Plan establishes the framework that ensures the home is prepared to deal with emergency situations.  The plan guides the home on how to mobilize its resources in the event of an emergency. The plan was developed with input and consultation from stakeholders.

The aim of the plan is to strategically coordinate the response to emergency situations based on the Incident Management System (IMS). The plan is designed to ensure that all partners which may become involved in an emergency are aware of their respective roles and responsibilities during that emergency and participate in the emergency management program of the home


The Provincial Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act defines an emergency as:

“An emergency means a situation or an impending situation that constitutes a danger of major proportions that could result in serious harm to persons or substantial damage to property and that is caused by the forces of nature, a disease or other health risk, an accident or an act whether intentional or otherwise.”

Emergencies vary in intensity and complexity depending on factors such as time of occurrence, weather conditions, severity of impact, nature of the affected department or location within the home and demographics.

Potential risks, including some examples under each category, faced by the home are considered in the Hazard Identification and Risk assessment.  Additionally, the Emergency Management Plan makes provisions for the earliest possible coordinated response to an emergency, an understanding of the personnel and resources available to the home and recognition that additional expertise and resources can be called upon if required.


This Emergency Management Plan and its supporting documents outline the coordinated response that the Sun Parlor Home undertakes in collaboration with its stakeholders, healthcare partners, agencies and team members to ensure an effective response and recovery from an emergency.

Legal Authority

Legislation and regulations under which the Home, its employees and agents are authorized to respond to an emergency is the Fixing Long-Term Care Act and related Regulation 246/22.


The Sun Parlor Home Emergency Management Plan was created in consultation with team members, Residents and the Residents' Council, Family members, Circle of Family and Friends, external stakeholders including our community partners, community agencies, health care service providers, and the County of Essex.

Safety Sensitive Information

Safety sensitive information contained with the Sun Parlor Home Emergency Management Plan will not be made available on the public website.  Please contact the Sun Parlor Home if you require any additional information.

Below are the specific policies and procedures that make up Sun Parlor Home's Emergency Management Plan:

Section A: General

Emergency Management Plan
Incident Management Team - Emergency Response
Incident Management Team Structure - Support Services
Incident Management Team Structure - Sun Parlor Home
Sun Parlor Home Incident Management Team Structure
Incident Management Team Agenda Template
Emergency Equipment
Hazard Identification - Risk Assessment
Hazard Identification - Risk Assessment Form
Agreements - Community Partners
Emergency Recovery

Section B: Communication

Emergency Communication
Family Emergency Contact Record Template
Team Member Fan Out
Team Member Fan Out Process
Team Member Call-Back Record
Emergency Fan Out to Support Services
Support Services Emergency Fan Out List
Emergency Contacts - External - Mutual Aid
Emergency Numbers - External/Mutual Aid

Section C: Education/Training

Emergency Code Tests - Drills - Exercises
Emergency Prep - Actual Event - Test - Drill - Evaluation Form

Section D: Code Red - Fire

Code Red Fire Plan
Code Red - Sun Parlor Home Fire Plan
Code Red - Employee Fire Information

Section E: Code Green - Emergency Evacuation

Code Green - Evacuation
Deciding Whether to Evacuate or Shelter in Place
Code Green - Incident Manager Evacuation Checklist
Code Green - Evacuation Plan Template
Evacuation Supplies
Resident Identification System
Evacuation Resident Log
Resource Stock Piling
Code Green - Mock Evacuation
Code Green - Mock Evacuation Observer Report
Code Green - Return to Evacuated Site

Section F: Code White - Physical Threat/Violent Outburst

Code White - Physical Threat - Violence

Section G: Code Yellow - Missing Resident

Code Yellow - Missing Resident
Code Yellow - Missing Resident Search Checklist

Section H: Code Blue - Medical Emergency

Code Blue - Medical Emergency

Section I: Code Orange - External Emergencies

Code Orange - External Emergency
Damage Assessment Checklist
Code Orange - Emergency Reception Plan
Code Orange - Emergency Reception Registration Log

Section J: Code Black - Bomb Threat/Suspicious Package

Code Black - Bomb Threat

Section K: Code Grey - Infrastructure Loss/Failure

Code Grey - Infrastructure Loss-Failure
Code Grey - Fire Watch Sign
Code Grey - Fire Watch Checklist
Code Grey - General Checklist

Section L: Code Brown - Internal Emergency (Chemical Spill/Gas Leak/Hazard)

Code Brown - Internal Emergency (Chemical Spill/Gas Leak/Hazard)
Code Brown - Spill Kit Instructions

Section N: Building Lockdown

Building Lockdown

Section O: Boil Water Advisory

Boil Water Advisory
Personal Hygiene - Boil Water Advisory
Cleaning-Sanitizing-Boil Water Advisory
Preparing Food - Boil Water Advisory
Boil Water Advisory Sign
Boil Water Advisory Handwashing Sign

Section P: Outbreaks Of A Communicable Disease, Outbreaks Of A Disease Of Public Health Significance, Epidemics, Pandemics

Outbreaks, Epidemics and Pandemics
Sample Agenda - Outbreak Preparedness Drill (Leader Copy)
Sample Agenda - Outbreak Preparedness Drill
Outbreak/Epidemic/Pandemic Supplies
Pandemic Plan

Section Q: Staffing Contingency Planning

Staff Shortages - Contingency Planning
Staffing Contingency Plan Template
Staffing Shortages - Immediate Activities
Priority Tasks - Clinical
Priority Tasks - Food and Nutrition
Priority Tasks - Life Enrichment
Priority Tasks - Housekeeping
Staffing Contingency Assignment

Section R: Provision of Food and Fluid in an Emergency

Emergency Menus and Response
Emergency Menu - No Utilities
Emergency Menu - Therapeutics
Emergency Menu - Snacks