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Bylaw Enforcement

Vermilion Municipal Enforcement Services is committed to serving and improving our community. The Town of Vermilion employs a sworn Community Peace Officer, appointed by the Alberta Solicitor General and Minister of Public Security as authorized under the Peace Officer Act.

The Community Peace Officer enforces certain provincial acts and municipal by-laws. This is for the Town of Vermilion and the Village of Mannville. The Municipal Enforcement Peace Officer works with law enforcement and emergency response agencies to meet the needs of the community. Municipal Enforcement is supplemental to, and not a replacement for, the RCMP.

The Municipal Enforcement Peace Officer engages in many duties including but not limited to:

  • Vehicle Patrols of Residential, Commercial and Industrial areas
  • Parking and Traffic Offenses
  • Animal Control/Protection
  • Snowmobile/OHV Enforcement
  • Unsightly Properties
  • Liquor Offences
  • Weed Inspection
  • Attend Special Events to Assist in Public Safety
  • Public Education Presentations and Programs




OR call 780-581-2407

You will provide your name, current address and phone number as well as information related to the complaint. If you wish to make a complaint after hours, leave a message and it will be addressed the next operating day.

Stray Animals

Call 780-581-2407 and the Peace Officer will contact the owner and/or pick up the animal. If it is after hours, your call will be returned the following operating day.
If safe to do so, take the animal to the Vermilion Veterinary Clinic (4401-47 Ave) and they will have the Town contact the owner.

Lost Pets

If you have lost a pet, follow these steps:

  1. Immediately look around your neighbourhood.
  2. Call the Vermilion Veterinary Clinic 780-853-5904 to see if your pet has dropped off.
  3. Check with Municipal Enforcement 780-581-2407 to make sure that the contact information associated with your license is correct.

If your pet is licensed and wearing tags, Municipal Enforcement will contact you if your pet is found.

Recreational Vehicles

Highways, the definition of which includes any street, road, sidewalk or bridge that the public is ordinarily entitled or permitted to use.

Parking of Trailers:

7.17. No Person shall Park any Trailer upon any Highway unless the Trailer is attached to a Vehicle by which it may be propelled or drawn, and when so attached the Trailer shall be deemed part of the Vehicle and subject to the requirements set out in this Bylaw pertaining to Vehicles unless otherwise authorized by an Order of the Council.

7.18. No Person shall park any trailer upon land owned by the Town or which the Town uses or permits to be used as a Playground, School Ground, Boulevard, Sidewalk, Pedestrian Pathway, Recreation Area, or Reserve Land, except on such part thereof as may be designated by a Traffic Control Device or Devices allowing trailer parking and only in accordance with any restrictions so indicated on such Traffic Control Devices.

7.19. No person shall occupy or suffer or permit any other person to occupy a Trailer or Recreational Vehicle upon a highway or upon Town owned property, which has not been designated for a Trailer or Recreational Vehicle parking.

7.20. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 7.19, a Person may Park and occupy a Trailer or Recreational Vehicle upon Town-owned property provided that written permission has been obtained from the Municipal Manager or his or her designate.

7.21. Notwithstanding Section 7.17, an Owner or Operator of a Vehicle and Trailer or Recreational Vehicle shall not Park the Vehicle and Trailer or Recreational Vehicle on a Highway or Roadway for more than forty-eight (48) consecutive hours.

7.22. Notwithstanding Section 7.17, an owner or operator of a Trailer for which the Trailer registration shows a Town of Vermilion address, shall not park the Trailer on a Highway in the Town except in the area of the roadway immediately adjoining the owner or operator’s place of residence and for no more than twenty four (24) consecutive hours following which the owner or operator shall move the trailer to an off-highway location for a period of not less than six (6) consecutive days before the Trailer may be parked again in the area of the roadway immediately adjoining the owner or operator’s place of residence.

7.23. An Owner or Operator of a Vehicle and Trailer or Recreational Vehicle shall not be entitled to rely upon the provisions of Sections 7.20 and 7.21 more than twice in any seven (7) day period commencing from the date that the Vehicle and Trailer or Recreational Vehicle is first observed to be Parked in accordance with Section 7.17.

7.24. Notwithstanding Section 7.21, 7.22, and 7.23 an Owner or Operator of a Vehicle and Trailer or Trailer or Recreational Vehicle shall not Park the Vehicle and Trailer or Trailer or Recreational Vehicle or any part thereof on a Roadway, Highway or Highway right-of-way if, in the opinion of a Peace Officer, the Vehicle and Trailer or Trailer or Recreational Vehicle constitutes an obstruction, presents a safety concern or otherwise impedes the progress of other uses of the Roadway, Highway or Highway right-of-way.