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Bylaw Question and Answers

Why do we have bylaws?

Bylaws help people stay safe and offer a guide about how to follow the rules of living in Vermilion. Following these rules will help to make Vermilion a safe and beautiful town to live and visit.

Bylaw Question and Answers

Within 48 hours of the snowfall. You are responsible for the sidewalks next to your property including corner lots. This includes both business and residential properties.

Only on the snowmobile route, at a maximum speed of 30 km/h between the hours of 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Snowmobilers must use the most direct path to travel to the snowmobile route. Areas not for snowmobiling use: Airport, Fairgrounds, Ball Diamonds, Provincial Property, and Parks.


Yes, pet owners must register their dogs and/or cats within 2 weeks of moving to Vermilion. Owners must register again by January 15 every year. Without a tag, the Town of Vermilion will not be able to locate the owners of an animal to return them home. Licensing your cat or dog also allows identification of animals in kennels. This is done by cross referencing the town files (i.e. tattoos, marking, breeds, scars, microchips).

If your pet happens to get out of your house, an unlicensed dog or cat could be thought to be a stray. Your pet then could be adopted or euthanized. The Town of Vermilion has an animal control bylaw that states all cats and dogs must be licensed.

Yes. It is on the east side of 44th Street and 54th Ave.

No, a dog is not allowed to be off leash except when on the owner’s property, or the Off Leash Dog Park.

Yes, all pet owners must pick-up feces when they are not on their own property. It is not acceptable to leave animal feces on private and public property. It is a potential health risk, and punishable by fine. Pet owners must dispose of the bag or device in the proper receptacle.

No, you must not post signs on town property. Forgotten garage sale or other temporary signs often become litter on the streets. Town property includes: parks, fences, sidewalks, boulevards, power poles, town buildings or town parking lots.

A RV or trailer can park on the street if attached to a vehicle for a period of 48 hours. The owner of the RV can only do this once, during a period of seven days. All electrical cords attached to an RV must be suspended to a height of 2.4m. This must be done using stanchions. This prevents pedestrians from tripping over the electrical cords on sidewalks. Trailers and RVs are not allowed to be parked on the street if unattached to a towing vehicle.

Only in commercial areas designated for heavy parking. You cannot park your heavy vehicle in front of your house in a residential driveway/yard.

Homeowners must have a fire permit to have a fire pit in their yard. For homeowners that do not have a permit, an application can be made to the Town of Vermilion.