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Civic Election

When is the next Municipal Election?

Monday, October 20, 2025

Campaign Disclosure and Financial Statement - Form 26

One significant amendment to the legislation is the requirement (under section 147.4 of the LAEA) of all candidates to file their campaign disclosure and financial statements regardless of whether they incurred any campaign expenses or accepted any campaign contributions, and whether they were elected, acclaimed, unsuccessful, or withdrew before the election.

The deadline for this requirement is March 1, 2022. Please see Form 26 Campaign Disclosure Statement and Financial StatementOnce completed, please submit to the Vermilion Town Hall, 5021-49 Avenue, Vermilion, AB  T9X 1X1.

2021 (October 18) Municipal Official Election Results

Mayor - vote for one (1) vacancy
Councillor - vote for six (6) vacancies

  • Eligible Voters  3,435 
  • Actual Voters 1,332
  • 39% Voter Turnout


Candidate Name Office # of Votes
Gregory Throndson Mayor 731 (elected)
Caroline McAuley (incumbent) Mayor 565
Kevin Martin Councillor 943 (elected)
Paul Conlon Councillor 814 (elected)
Kirby Whitlock Councillor 685 (elected)
Joshua Rayment Councillor 631 (elected)
Robert Pulyk (incumbent) Councillor 570 (elected)
Robert Snow Councillor 545 (elected)
Richard Yaceyko (incumbent) Councillor 516
Erwin Warkentin Councillor 439
Richard Lavoie Councillor 426
Justin Thompson (incumbent) Councillor 411
Amr Rezk Councillor 401
Hayward Vaters Councillor 152
Bradley Gallamore Councillor 89
2021 School Division Trustee Candidates
Buffalo Trail School Division Trustee Candidates
Ward 4: Electoral Subdivision #1
- vote for one (1) vacancy
# of Votes
Darla Rae Yonkman 320 (elected)
Bruce Marriott (incumbent) 255
Nicole Hauck 185
Marty Pawlak 58

East Central Alberta Catholic Separate School Division

 Jeremy Laurence
 Jim Sanson (incumbent)

 For more information go to Municipal Elections.


A vote was held for the election of a Senate nominee for the purposes of the Alberta Senate Election Act;

See the list of Senate candidates and more information on Senate Election.

A vote of the electors was held on the following referendum question(s) under the Referendum Act:

Question 1: Equalization

Should section 36(2) of the Constitution Act, 1982 – Parliament and the government of Canada’s commitment to the principle of making equalization payments – be removed from the constitution?

Question 2: Daylight Saving Time

Do you want Alberta to adopt year-round Daylight Saving Time, which is summer hours, eliminating the need to change our clocks twice a year?

Learn more about the referendum questions.

You are eligible to vote in the election if:

  • You are at least 18 years old;
  • You are a Canadian Citizen;
  • You reside in Alberta and your place of residence is located in the local jurisdiction on election day;
  • You have acceptable voter identification; and
  • You have not voted in this election before

In order to vote in the upcoming municipal elections, voters will be required to provide proof of their name and home address.

The following types of verification meet the standard provincial requirement for one piece of identification.

  • Identification issued by a Canadian government, whether federal, provincial or local, or an agency of that government, that contains a photograph of the elector and their name and current address.
  • Proof of Identity and Ordinary Residence for Tenant Elector issued by the authorized representative of a commercial property management company.
  • Proof of Identity and Ordinary Residence for Incarcerated Elector issued by the authorized representative of a correctional institution.
  • Proof of Identity and Ordinary Residence issued by the authorized representative of a First Nations band or reserve.
  • Proof of Identity and Ordinary Residence for Post-Secondary Student Elector in Residence issued by the authorized representative of a post-secondary institution.
  • Proof of Identity and Ordinary Residence for Homeless Elector issued by the authorized representative of a facility that provides services to the homeless.
  • Proof of Identity and Ordinary Residence for Elector in Long Term Care or Supportive Living Facility issued by the authorized representative of a supportive living facility or treatment centre.
  • Supportive Living Facility issued by the authorized representative of a supportive living facility or treatment centre.
  • Bank or credit card statement or personal cheque.
  • Correspondence issued by a school, college or university.
  • Government cheque or cheque stub.
  • Income or property tax assessment notice.
  • Insurance policy or coverage card.
  • Letter from a public curator, public guardian or public trustee.
  • Pension plan statement of benefits, contributions or participation.
  • Residential lease or mortgage statement.
  • Statement of government benefits (for example, employment insurance, old-age security, social assistance, disability support or child tax benefit).
  • Utility bill (for example, telephone, public utilities commission, television, hydro, gas or water).
  • Vehicle ownership, registration or insurance certificate.

If a voter’s identification shows a post office box number as the address instead of a residential or legal address, it can be accepted as verification of current address if it is in reasonable distance to the voting jurisdiction.

The Local Democracy Pledge (the Pledge) is a voluntary commitment that candidates can make to voters to uphold key democratic principles – ahead of Alberta’s 2021 municipal elections – to improve the quality and tone of political discourse. The Pledge promotes fair and transparent municipal elections, free from undue partisan or financial influences.


The Pledge is a voluntary commitment a candidate can make to support democratic local elections as they carry out their campaigns to:

  • Keep local elections local by focusing their campaigns on issues that municipal elected officials can influence.
  • Maintain independence and non-partisanship by rejecting any endorsements which would undermine their accountability to municipal residents or the autonomy of the municipality.
  • Demonstrate transparency by sharing their vision for the municipality and providing pre-election disclosure of campaign contributions and spending.
  • Engage in respectful behaviour by sharing their perspective, while respecting and seeking to understand differences.

To download the Pledge go to the AUMA website