Census Report
Federal Census
The Census Program provides a statistical portrait of the country every five years. To view the 2016 Census, visit Statistics Canada.
The next Census of Population will take place in May 2021. Census information is used to make informed decisions about your community, province or territory, and the country as a whole.
The census is one of the most important sources of information for our country. Census data are vital to your community for planning schools, daycare, housing, hospitals, emergency services, roads, public transportation and employment skills training.

Municipal Census
The Town of Vermilion Municipal Census was conducted on April 1, 2017. The data collection was completed by an online survey and enumerated responses.
The summary of data contained in this report provides a snapshot of the demographic count held on April 1, 2017. The data collected includes population, age range, gender, dwelling type, duration of residence and previous residence location, and employment status and location.