We have been notified by the Alberta Central East Water Corporation that effective immediately, all connected municipalities are required to revert to a . Level B.
Splash Park Opens Today!.
Celebrate Canada Day!. June 30, 2021.
System maintenance will occur at the Vermilion Town Hall from Thursday, June 17 at 3:00 p.m. to approximately Friday, June 18 until 12:00 p.m..
Pick up your Registration Package starting June 10th from the Town of Vermilion drop box or . download the Summer Fun Registration Package.
Fun activities for kids....arts and crafts, games and much more!. .
The Town of Vermilion's Finance Department is pleased to present the Annual Report including financial statements and statistical information for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020..
The Town of Vermilion has received a number of comments and/or concerns regarding unsightly signs on a residential property in Vermilion.. An order to the owner of the property under the Town of Vermilion’s Nuisance Bylaw #7-87 has been issued..