The Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee is encouraging the public to help identify obstacles that prevent those of all abilities from using the multi-use pathway and paved shoulders along County Road 2 in Lakeshore. The County Wide Active Transportation System (CWATS) corridor along the road from East Pike Creek to the roundabout at County Road 22 is the focus of Phase 3 of.
There will be a meeting of Essex County Council on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, which is scheduled to commence at 6:00 PM. As permitted pursuant to By-law 2023-58, being a by-law to provide rules governing the order and proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Essex, adopted on December 20, 2023, the meeting will take place with members of County Council in person at the Essex County Civic Centre.
The Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee is in the early stages of planning for an Outdoor Accessibility Festival to be held in September 2024. This special outdoor event aims to showcase accessible activities through demonstrations, products, services and information by engaging with the local community of accessibility-minded businesses and people who promote inclusion in activities and spaces for people with varying levels of ability.
There will be a meeting of Essex County Council on Wednesday, May 1, 2024, which is scheduled to commence at 6:00 PM. As permitted pursuant to By-law 2023-58, being a by-law to provide rules governing the order and proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Essex, adopted on December 20, 2023, the meeting will take place with members of County Council in person at the Essex County Civic Centre.
An initiative at Sun Parlor Home to keep residents front and centre at meetings about their care is being highlighted at a national conference in May. Two staff members at the 206-bed Leamington long-term care home, which is owned and operated by the County of Essex, will lead a discussion about resident care reviews at.
Essex-Windsor EMS is encouraging area business owners to become Cardiac Champions by installing Automated External Defibrillators and training staff in their use, and is also calling on the residents of Windsor and Essex County to help map the public locations of these life-saving devices. “Minutes matter when it comes to instances of cardiac arrest and the more Automatic External Defibrillators we have in Windsor-Essex, and the more people we have trained in their use, the better,” said Essex-Windsor EMS Chief Justin Lammers.
Warden Praises Volunteers and Urges Support for Hospice. Essex County Warden Hilda MacDonald wore a blue Hospice dove pin at Wednesday’s council meeting and encouraged residents to support the organization.
The Study:. The County of Essex has initiated a Transportation Master Plan study to identify a long-term transportation vision and strategy to achieve the County’s objectives for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods, and to address current needs and anticipated growth to 2053.
The Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority is hiring a student labourer to work on its waste disposal team in Essex. To learn more and apply, please visit our.
The County of Essex is hiring a temporary, full-time clerk/bookkeeper for its Financial Services team. To learn more and apply, please visit our.