Renowned accessibility advocate David Lepofsky is calling on Essex-Windsor residents to take to Twitter in the campaign for an accessible Ontario, saying individuals can affect great change by using social media to lobby decision-makers and expose barriers. “You can each as individuals make a difference,” said Lepofsky, the Chair of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance, to a crowd of more than 60 during a talk Tuesday at the Essex County Civic Centre.
Essex County Council is now streaming its regular meetings live to the Internet in an effort to better engage residents and promote open and transparent government. The live stream for the regular meeting this Wednesday at 7 p. m.
Construction and Road Closure Update, November 4, 2019. Due to unforeseen circumstances including adverse weather conditions, it is now anticipated that County Road 42 in Lakeshore will be closed between County Road 25 and Patillo Road until November 29.
There will be a meeting of Essex County Council on Wednesday, November 6, 2019 at 7:00 PM. The meeting will take place in the Council Chambers located at the Essex County Civic Centre, 360 Fairview Ave.
The County of Essex has been awarded a Gold Bike Friendly Workplace Award in recognition of its efforts to promote cycling as a practical means of transportation and a healthy activity for its employees. Warden Gary McNamara and Active Transportation Coordinator Katherine Wilson were on hand to accept the award Thursday morning at the annual Gord Smith Awards ceremony organized by the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit and the Working Toward Wellness Workplace Wellness Committee.
Please be advised that the elevator at the Civic Centre (360 Fairview Ave. W. ) is currently operational, but will be out of service beginning on Wednesday, November 6 2019 due to a regular maintenance update.
Three Essex-Windsor EMS Paramedics were honoured with Exemplary Service Medal bars in a ceremony at Queen’s Park Thursday night. David Jacobs and Michael Jacobs received bars in recognition of 40 years of service and Wayne Russelo was recognized for 30 years of service.
Essex-Windsor EMS is recruiting part-time Paramedics. “Part-time Paramedics are the foundation and key to our future success,” said Essex-Windsor EMS Chief Bruce Krauter.
David Lepofsky, a prominent and passionate champion for accessibility and the rights of persons with disabilities, will speak at a free event hosted by the Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee at the Civic Centre on Tuesday, Nov. 5.
Construction and Road Closure Update, October 17, 2019. County Road 29.