The County of Essex is recruiting temporary, part-time, Registered Practical Nurses for Sun Parlor Home. To apply for these positions, please visit the.
There will be a meeting of Essex County Council on Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 7:00 PM. .
The County of Essex is seeking proposals from interested parties to enter into an agreement with the County to provide Housing with Support services, in the County, to vulnerable adults with complex needs. Responses from qualified Housing with Supports facilities, defined as any residence, rest home, retirement home or boarding and lodging home which, for a fee, provides 24-hour supervision to vulnerable adults with complex needs, are being received until.
County Road 2. will be closed (bridge out) between County Road 1 and Big Creek Road starting May 4 2020 for 4 months for bridge rehabilitation.
There will be a meeting of Essex County Council on. Wednesday, May 20, 2020 at 7:00 PM.
More than 2,500 inspirational pictures created by local children to boost the spirits of healthcare workers and patients are being distributed to area hospitals and long-term care homes in honour of National Nursing Week. “Nurses are on the frontlines in the battle against COVID-19 and the care and comfort they provide patients is crucial to their health, well-being and recovery,” said Essex-Windsor EMS Chief Bruce Krauter.
County Road 50. will have lane restrictions between Ford Road and County Road 23 from April 7 to May 29, 2020 for road construction.
The County of Essex and its local municipalities, along with the City of Windsor and the Essex Region Conservation Authority, have launched an awareness campaign about the looming threat of widespread flooding given elevated water levels in the Great Lakes basin. The campaign features radio advertisements and significant social media outreach to complement efforts already undertaken by local municipalities, including the distribution of literature to thousands of homes in flood-prone areas.
There will be a meeting of Essex County Council on. Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at 7:00 PM.
The County of Essex is recruiting summer students to work as PPE Doffing Assistants for Essex-Windsor EMS. To apply for these positions please visit the.