Students in Essex County looking for summer employment are encouraged to explore opportunities being made available through the summer jobs program run by the Ontario Public Service. The program “provides up to 5,000 students with the opportunity to gain valuable work experience through supervised summer employment in the Ontario Public Service. ”.
Don't prune Elm Trees from April 1 to September 30.. 1-877-837-ELMS.
There will be a meeting of Essex County Council on. Wednesday, March 3, 2021 at 7:00 PM.
Hydro One has selected the preferred route for a new Chatham-to-Lakeshore Line and is hosting a virtual open house and virtual live discussion to inform residents about the project. Hydro One is proposing the construction of a new double-circuit 230 kilovolt transmission line from their Chatham Switching Station to the future Lakeshore Switching Station.
The County of Essex is seeking a permanent, full-time Administrative Assistant for Essex-Windsor EMS. To apply for this position, please visit our.
The County of Essex is seeking a permanent, full-time Executive Assistant for the Office of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). To apply for this position, please visit our.
These clinics are by appointment only and pre-registration is required. The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit (WECHU) will begin administering the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine to residents of Windsor and Essex County 80 years of age and older beginning Monday, March 1 through targeted vaccination clinics.
Residents of Windsor and Essex County are encouraged to sign up for the virtual town hall meetings being held across the region during the next three weeks to help shape the area’s first regional community safety and well-being (CSWB) plan. Organizers will gather input on residents’ priorities and concerns across a number of topics, including financial security, mental and physical health, education, crime, housing, and other factors that impact their community’s safety and well-being.
The Town of Vermilion is very excited to be chosen as a National Award Winner in the EDAC - Economic Developers Association of Canada Marketing Awards for our #VermilionOnline Festival!. Thank you to the 27+ businesses that participated - Congratulations!
The County of Essex is seeking a permanent, full-time Administrative Assistant to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). To apply for this position, please visit our.