Notice is hereby given of a Special Meeting of Essex County Council to be held on Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 2:00 PM in Council Chambers, Essex County Civic Centre, with members participating by videoconference. The purpose of the meeting is to consider amendments to Council’s Procedure By-Law #41-2018 to allow for electronic participation in meetings by Members of Council when an emergency under section 4 or 7. 0. 1 of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act has been declared to exist in all or part of the municipality.
The County of Essex and the City of Windsor want the community to know that there are child care options available to assist Emergency Support Workers who are currently working. There are.
Construction and Road Closure Update, March 24, 2020. County Road 9.
If you’ve been hearing loud and unusual noises in your neighbourhood these past few evenings, you’re not alone. Residents across Windsor-Essex and Ontario have been opening their doors and windows at 7:30 p. m.
Health care and first responder partners throughout the City of Windsor and the County of Essex are appealing to businesses who may have supplies that are integral to keeping frontline workers safe in the fight against COVID-19. Businesses that have available stock of any of the following items, are encouraged to donate them to be used by those working on the frontline, as they assist residents and patients in the fight against the impact of COVID-19.
Essex County, ON –. The County of Essex declared a State of Emergency today, taking proactive and precautionary measures to prepare the region for the COVID-19 pandemic.
Essex County, ON. .
Essex County, ON. .
There will be a meeting of Essex County Council on Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 7:00 PM. .
The Essex County Library, with direction and support from the County of Essex, continues to assess the concerns of the COVID-19 situation. In order to reduce the risk to library staff and patrons, the following services will be suspended, effective.