County Road 23. will be closed (bridge out) between County Road 20 and County Road 50 from Feb.
Windsor Regional Hospital and Erie Shores HealthCare, in conjunction with Essex-Windsor EMS, are once again alerting the public about capacity pressures across the acute care system in our region. On April 13, a news release was issued noting that hospitals and EMS were reporting significant bed capacity concerns due to higher than normal volumes of patients.
The Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee is inviting the public to hear from two experts who speak from personal experience and deliver powerful messages about accessibility. Julie Sawchuk and Michael Jacques will speak and answer questions during the virtual.
Warden Lauds New Accessibility Flag and Praises EMS Staff. Members of Essex County council wore red shirts to Wednesday’s regular meeting to show support for persons and families who are living with disabilities.
Check out June's Talk of the Town newsletter!. Follow the link to view current and past issues as well as to subscribe:.
It's been proclaimed Seniors' Week in the Town of Vermilion starting June 6 - 12, 2022!. Let's appreciate and honour seniors in our community that enrich our community!.
Go East of Edmonton Roadtrip Adventure Game starts June 4 and goes until August 31, 2022!. To play, grab a 2022 Go East of Edmonton Travel Guide or visit .
The Essex County Library is seeking a Chief Librarian/Chief Executive Officer. To apply for this position, please see the.
The County of Essex is seeking one full-time support site worker and one part-time support site worker to staff an Isolation and Recovery Centre for agri-workers who may have been exposed to COVID-19. To apply for these positions, please visit our.