Warden Asks Residents to ‘Get Informed’ About Municipal Election Candidates. With summer nearing an end and students back in school, Warden Gary McNamara is encouraging Essex County residents to “get informed” so they are ready to vote in the Oct.
New Business. Public Commentary.
There will be a meeting of Essex County Council on Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at 7:00 PM. As permitted under By-law 2022-13, a By-law to Amend 41-2018, being a by-law to provide rules governing the order and proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Essex, adopted on April 20, 2022, the meeting will take place with members of County Council in person at the Essex County Civic Centre, with the option for members to join remotely via web-conference if necessary.
County Road 50. will be closed (bridge out) between County Road 20 and McCain Sideroad from August 22 to September 30 for bridge rehabilitation.
Check out the September Talk of the Town newsletter!. Follow the link to view current and past issues as well as to subscribe:.
Nathan Hanrahan just wanted to let emergency services workers know they are appreciated, so he picked up a pencil to create a thank you note and work of art. On Tuesday, Essex-Windsor EMS Chief Bruce Krauter presented the 14-year-old from Essex with a paramedic service coin and thanked him for his act of kindness.
Congratulations to Vermilion Realty!. Town Council and Economic Development welcomed Vermilion Realty to main street today.
Arena Assistant. The Town of Vermilion is seeking an individual to assist with the part time facility maintenance at the Vermilion Stadium/Arena during the winter ice season..
Essex-Windsor EMS Chief Bruce Krauter has been presented with a key to the City of Windsor by Mayor Drew Dilkens. Dilkens surprised Krauter with the tribute at a ceremony Monday night at the St.
County Road 50. will be closed (bridge out) between County Road 20 and McCain Sideroad from August 22 to September 30 for bridge rehabilitation.