County Road 23. will be closed (bridge out) between County Road 20 and County Road 50 from February 8 to August 19 for bridge rehabilitation.
Two champions of accessibility and inclusion shared their personal experiences and delivered powerful messages about the importance of creating a barrier-free society at a virtual forum hosted by the Essex County Accessibility Advisory Committee. Julie Sawchuk, an accessibility strategist and storyteller, and Michael Jacques, an author and activist, spoke and answered participant questions during the ‘No Barriers, No Problem’ speakers’ forum Monday afternoon.
County Road 23. will be closed (bridge out) between County Road 20 and County Road 50 from February 8 to July 22 for bridge rehabilitation.
The Town of Vermilion will no longer fund future road improvements through local improvement taxes.. Eliminating any new/future local improvement taxes will be made possible by an infrastructure reserve funded by utility rates.
Oath of Office. Deputy Mayor.
The speed limit on County Road 34 east of County Road 19 (Manning Road) is being reduced from 80 km/h to 60 km/h as of. June 30.
Essex-Windsor EMS is seeking a temporary, full-time data analyst. To apply for this position, please visit our.
County Road 23. will be closed (bridge out) between County Road 20 and County Road 50 from Feb.
Warden Urges Support of Frontline Workers with PTSD and Congratulates Clerk. Essex County residents are encouraged to wear teal on June 27 to fight stigma surrounding PTSD and to get active during Bike Month, says Warden Gary McNamara.