June 22, 2021. RE: Council Resignation.
Celebrate Canada Day!. June 30, 2021.
Widening County Road 22 between East Puce Road and Belle River Road to accommodate a centre turning lane, cyclists and pedestrians is the preferred solution to upgrade the heavily used thoroughfare in Lakeshore, according to a study. “As part of the new vision for County Road 22, the Study is proposing a high quality of urban design along the corridor which may include special boulevard treatments, streetscaping, plantings, signage controls and the provision of street furniture to accommodate the needs of pedestrians, transit users, cyclists, trail users, as well as the automobile,” says.
The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit opened eligibility for COVID-19 vaccine second doses on June 19. This aligns with provincial direction and expands the eligibility for those who received their first dose of an mRNA vaccine on or before May 9 to book for their second dose of an mRNA vaccine at mass vaccination clinics, pharmacies and primary care providers.
So you want to run for office?. Here's a chance to ask questions and find out more information..
So you want to run for office?. Here's a chance to ask questions and find out more information.
So you want to run for office?. Here's a chance to ask questions and find out more information.
So you want to run for office?. Here's a chance to ask questions and find out more information.
So you want to run for office?. Here's a chance to ask questions and find out more information.